I started my fitness journey in 2013. I decided I needed to get into shape as I had a unhealthy lifestyle. At the beginning my goal was to lose weight and be in good shape.
My goals have changed as I now have a better understanding of fitness and what I want. My aim is to be healthy and as strong as I can be and have good form in all exercises I do. I have found the strength I never thought I had and I’m becoming stronger. I amaze myself every time!
Richard has always and still does give me good guidance and with variety in my personalised programmes. I’m always learning something new about myself and understanding the benefits of fitness and the exercises I do. And to be patient and never give up!
My biggest struggle has been with food. The only way I can control my diet to benefit me is something Richard said to me. “Think about what you want to achieve in the gym session today and think will that meal fuel your body and will help with your workout.”
Richard has helped me through guidance and learning the importance of what you eat and how that can benefit my fitness journey and to reach my personal fitness goals. The knowledge Richard shares contributes to having a positive mindset in the gym and building confidence in myself which benefits my workouts and to achieving my goals.
I would tell anyone considering starting to trust your trainer and listen to them! They know best and always be honest with them especially when it comes to your diet.
I’m really loving how much stronger I am becoming and the variety in my programmes continues to keep me motivated. I’m starting to like exercises I’ve always hated. Practising the technique and including mobility sessions have become a huge part of my workouts benefiting me on this journey.